DesignContest connects clients with freelance designers through contests for creative projects.
LiveWorld provides brands with tools and services to manage real-time customer conversations on social media.
Course Hero
Course Hero provides students with study resources, course materials, and tutoring services.
Premise is a data collection platform that crowdsources insights from a global network of contributors.
Verbit uses AI and human professionals to provide transcription and captioning services.
Bounteous is a digital experience agency specializing in big-picture digital solutions for clients.
The Urban Writers
The Urban Writers provides professional writing and editing services for authors and businesses.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors is an education platform offering personalized tutoring and test prep services.
DataAnnotation Tech
DataAnnotation Tech provides data labeling and annotation services for AI and machine learning projects.
Linear is a project management tool for streamlining software team workflows.