Research Panelist
YouGov conducts polls on the Internet about politics, public affairs, products, brands and other topics of general interest. YouGov polls are taken by people, from all over the nation, who have agreed to share their thoughts on a wide variety of important issues.
How does YouGov work?
You'll be invited to answer questions on a wide range of topics, by email or in the YouGov app. You'll earn points every time you answer a survey. The longer the survey, the more points you'll earn.
How long is a typical YouGov survey?
Most YouGov surveys are very short and should only take you about five to seven minutes to complete. A typical survey is only about 20 to 30 fairly short questions in total. Occasionally, there will be longer surveys or surveys with more complex questions. The longest surveys should not take more than 20 minutes to complete.
For what purposes is the data collected by YouGov used?
Data from YouGov surveys are used by news media, public affairs groups, institutions, political campaigns, companies and marketing agencies, to reveal and analyze public opinion.
Who pays for these polls?
YouGov conducts surveys for a diverse group of clients to help them better understand public views about current affairs, and consumer products and brands.